Tuesday, January 24, 2017


I consider myself a conservative liberal or a liberal conservative. Never thought I’d say this, but I think the election of the current President of the United States is the best thing that could have happened for our country. Ack!

But think about this: 
—The uproar over his inconsistent statements and outrageous comments about many people and issues has stirred millions—MILLIONS!—of people to become more involved in issues facing our country. Those of us who were sitting on the sidelines thinking everything will be OK realized WE have to make everything OK. We have to speak up. Share our opinions. Listen to others and come up with new options for issues facing us. So instead of a handful of people in Washington, D.C. making decisions, “we the people” are stepping up and helping make decisions. I think this is excellent!

—Many of those who supported Trump are questioning their choice. QUESTIONING! What is true? This isn’t what I heard during the campaign. This isn’t what I intended, what happened? Again, I think this excellent! 

Of course, there are many people of many different opinions who won’t question. Who won’t change their minds. Who won’t get involved. And that’s their choice. 

But I think the questioning and involvement of millions of Americans in issues that are facing our country is the best thing that could have happened. Even if the catalyst was electing a person who brought millions to the point of deep grieving. Out of that grieving are emerging action and intelligent discussion on many sides of issues. 

And I think this is the best thing that could have happened for our country. 

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